Easy Equine Massage

Are you ready to be your horse's favorite person? 

In EASY EQUINE MASSAGE, you'll learn my top five essential and highly effective myofascial release techniques that will change your relationship with your horse! 

Nearly all working horses have some level of muscle soreness. These easy massage techniques are applicable to ANY HORSE no matter what discipline you ride and will keep your horse comfortable for years to come. 

These techniques are easy and can be done at home, on your own time, for less than what you'd spend at the tack store! 


Other fun features...
-The course is built with the busy equestrian in mind and is lifetime access, and self paced. You will have access to all of the material and videos to go through, and revisit on your timeline. 

-You will receive a certificate of completion when you have finished all the modules. 
-I'm so confident that you'll love EEM, I've added a 60 day "your horse loves it or your money back"guarantee! 
Sign up for EASY EQUINE MASSAGE and get started right now- your horse will LOVE you for it!


What People Are Saying:

My ponies are loving these different massages so far! Lots of great releases. Thanks so much!

Malea D

Signed up & really enjoying it :)

Anna N

I bought this. It was a good investment. Thoroughly thought out and very beginner friendly!

Elise W

$67.00 USD

Want even more tools in your toolkit? Most horses struggle with back pain. Add Back in Balance Minicourse to learn 3 massage techniques, palpation, and stretching to kick your horse's back tightness for good!  Only $55 with Easy Equine Massage!