Six Steps to Six Figures Masterclass

Learn exactly how I built my six figure equine bodywork business and how you can make equine bodywork your full time job in this free webinar!

If you’re looking to

-attract a steady client base of horses & horse owners who love you

-turn your part time equine massage business into a full time career

-become profitable and quit your day job in your first year of business 

 ...this is the masterclass for you!


A few years ago, I was in your shoes.

 I dreaded going to work every day, and more than anything I wanted to pursue my dream of working with horses. But I couldn’t quite figure out how to take the first step towards my goals. I remember feeling lost, and honestly a bit hopeless, because I couldn’t find any resources pointing me in the right direction. Finally, I had an incredible conversation with a business coach, and she gave me the most simple, yet powerful piece of advice: 


“Just get started!”


She gave me the push I needed to put myself out there and get my very first clients, which quickly snowballed into a thriving business, allowing me to quit the spa job I hated and work for myself full time. I’m so grateful to that business coach, and to the many other business and bodywork mentors I had around me at the time. If I didn’t have them, I wouldn’t be where I am today: living in my dream home, getting to travel the world to work on horses, and feeling fulfilled every day by my work. 


Now, I want to pay it forward: I’m hosting a free masterclass on the 6 steps I took to become a 6 figure equine bodyworker, and you’re invited. 

Don't miss this INCREDIBLE Live training! There will be a replay available of this training for a limited time only. 


Snag your seat for my FREE equine bodywork business masterclass,

If you want to learn how to make equine bodywork your full-time job and make six figures doing what you love, sign up today to secure a seat!

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